Garden Party | Day 174 of my 2023 Journal

🇩🇰 Also available in Danish 🇬🇧
When we returned from Sweden, we said goodbye to our oldest and delivered her back to her boyfriend and her home in Copenhagen. Then we drove to my sister's house, equally in Copenhagen. I hugged the nieces and cooked some food. We were tired, and the following day I crashed. I had slept with a headache and woke up with a headache, and continued into the day, trying everything I could to let it go, meditating, drinking water, and showering. It seemed to let go of me but came back on full power when we left to attend a garden party.
We arrived 2 hours early as I had noted the wrong time in our calendar, which was perfect. It gave me time to take painkillers and lay down on my bed, sleeping the headache off. It took two hours, and I was still exhausted when I awoke.
When you have good health, you have a hundred dreams and a thousand plans. When you don’t, you have one of each.
A good 12 hours with migraine reminded me how grateful I am for being healthy.
It is such an overwhelming thing when you think about it; God created this extreme amount of beauty and joy, and equally, our bodies to receive it.
Our minds and our senses, and our nervous system engages with this world to take in the sensation of soft wind on the cheek and the pleasurable sight of flowers and eyes and art, and you get the picture.
I came back from my migraine to a confused family not used to me checking out, and somehow we decided to take a detour through negative vibration before it all balanced back to bliss.Â
On this particular day, bliss was at a garden party celebrating a friend who had just finished her university degree. There was music and sunshine and flowers and food; we played Spike Ball and sat in the shade, talked to people, and smiled a lot until it was time for us to move on, back to my sister's family.
My sons went bouldering with my brother-in-law; I cooked some food and washed some clothes, hugged the nieces, and talked to my daughter.
It was a good reminder and a beautiful day.
Love and light
Cecilie Conrad
🇩🇰 Also available in Danish 🇬🇧
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