Transition day | Day 212 of my 2023 Journal


It is not very interesting to drive on a highway in the rain, slowly, because of road construction.

One of the delays was a 27 minutes queue deriving from a parked road construction vehicle on the side and people having to drive around it. Seriously! One lane was closed for about 2 km, 10% not respecting it, and everyone drove 20km/h for almost half an hour.

And the rain. What is going on with this English summer?!

It was worth it, though.

We picked up my friend from university and her two adult sons and arrived late afternoon at Laymans’ farm in Forest of Bowland, a large national park where we will live for a week together, go for hikes in the beauty and have dinners, play games, talk.

We have not seen each other for a long time, but this does not matter. Iben and I have been friends for a very long time, and her sons and my oldest are close.

The cottage is small and old and charming, and I am sure it will be a blast. Rain or not. 

Love and light


Cecilie Conrad

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Footpaths and barefoot walking | Day 211 of my 2023 Journal
Hiking in the rain | Day 213 of my 2023 Journal


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