Life is like... | Day 123 of my 2023 Journal


Waking up parked outside a beautiful country house in Normandie, we were blessed with beautiful sunshine. Another van parked with lovely Carli and David (inside the house, two of our favorite families.

After two and a half weeks of being surrounded by loads of new people, this was a new feeling. More like home.


I took the time to do little things slowly. Organizing the van. Prepping the food. Clearing little spaces. Writing stuff. Shower.

My children came one by one to go for a little walk with me in the beautiful countryside. We normally talk so much, but during the castle experience, we have hardly seen each other. It was needed and nice to spend some quiet time.

Fjord came up with a great little poem, and we laughed a lot. He makes them all the time, same format, and said it is so easy to sound kind of intelligent and artsy, yet it is all just for fun.

Life is like a piece of cheese.
It is good.
There is not a lot of it
And it has some holes
(Holes representing the things that do not make sense)


I see how our life is full of privilege, and I am very grateful for our freedom. I get to talk to my children every day; I get to walk in the sunshine on a Wednesday afternoon.

The lifestyle is carried by conversation in many ways. Unschooling families tend to say the same: we talk and talk and talk. Doing so, we learn, we grow, we connect.


We are used to moving in small social fields, just a few families together, or just our family with a friend or two. It is wonderful to meet all the other families now, and day 123 in my 365 challenge was a wonderful pause, just a bit of silence in the music, to breathe in deeply and let go slowly.

In the evening, we went to the vet with our dog, a minor but important thing, and joined the bonfire at the castle.

Love and light


Cecilie Conrad

# 123 of my 2023 writing challenge - Read them all here 

Thank you for reading
I would love to hear from you. Listen to your thoughts and reflections - or praise :) It is often emotional to share our life like this, and we get very happy when we get feedback from you. So feel free to share a comment below 😋 
Mont Saint Michel | Day 122 of my 2023 Journal
Liberté, égalité, fraternité | Day 124 of my 2023 Journal


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