Sweet Sweden | Day 159 of my 2023 Journal


I have written about moving days before. They are a bit exhausting. Optimistically we think we can do it all in no time, but it seems everything happens so slowly.

We had been awake half of the night sharing stories and playing games with the people hanging at Åmarksgård. They are impossible to resist, the Scandinavian summer nights. The deep blue light of the night sky, the birds, the wind. Sometimes I call it the Summer Psychosis.

So we got started late, had breakfast, and realized it was 11.30, and we had 90 minutes to pack. We almost made it, but had to drive back for a forgotten item, had to shop for tick repellant for the dogs, and were a full hour late to pick up a friend of Fjord (bummer). Then we went shopping for food, as there are not many supermarkets in the forests of Sweden. That, too, took forever.

We had lunch at the back of our van and tea, and finally, we were on the move, crossing the city of Copenhagen, crossing the bridge to Sweden, and driving north through the landscape. Highways are boring everywhere, but as soon as we left for the smaller roads, we were ready to see moose.

The moose is still pending, but we did see cranes and deer. The forests here are beautiful and huge. We met our Friend Alexander in the local supermarket, local to the house he is the share-owner of and where we will stay the coming days. Stocked up on the Swedish specialties we always enjoy and moved on to the house. Moved in, speed cooked, and had a very late dinner at almost 11 pm.

Ten days in Sweet Sweden is waiting. Nothing on the calendar but sunshine, forest, and birdsong. Beautiful.

Love and light


Cecilie Conrad

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More is more | Day 158 of my 2023 Journal
Scandinavian Summer Nights | Day 160 of my 2023 Journal


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