Almond blossoms, flowering magnolia trees and snowcapped mountains | Day 68 of my 2023 Journal


Traveling from Sicily to Copenhagen between the beginning of March and late May will give us three months of spring.

Being Danish, escaping six months of cold and rainy winter is just amazing.

We come from a reality of waiting for Spring for almost half of the year. The first humble flowers finding their way through snow and cold at the end of January were small angels of hope carrying us through the other half of winter. I remember clearly the significance of all of them, from the first snowdrop, through the crocus over daffodil, to finally the tulips that would start while it was still so very cold and hostile but stand proud in to the wonderful (luke)warm days of Danish spring.

Spring in the North is overwhelming. It all has to happen so fast; it is a pre-explosion followed by the short summer of everything in blossom and growth more or less at the same time. I look forward to it as we will enjoy the North from late spring this year.

But I must say I do enjoy this prolonged Spring.

It started in Sicily in February, with everything growing, flowers emerging, and fresh sunlight. Now we travel North slowly, and the trees are in blossom, almond and cherries at the moment, and the daffodils and lots of other flowers.

We are currently in Sant’Omero in the region Abruzzo, of which we know nothing. We came to this side of mainland Italy because it was raining on the other side.

We enjoy going somewhere random to see what we find.

This little place features beautiful snow-capped mountains and almonds in blossoms.

Some of the views are right out of postcards and paintings and The Sound of Music.

It is truly beautiful here.

And we are truly grateful for the life we have created, where staling spring is an actual option.

Love and light


Cecilie Conrad

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