What is that unschooling thing? | Day 169 of my 2023 Journal

🇩🇰 Also available in Danish 🇩🇰
On some days of my travel- and reflection journal, there is not much to talk about.
I can not keep sharing how green the Swedish forest is in the summertime or how I, yet another day, failed to see a moose.
We are enjoying the peace and don’t even want to go on day trips or hikes.
Still reading books, cooking meals, having conversations, and swimming in the lake.
It is still precious.
But of course, there is thinking.
There is always thinking.
I heard a podcast with a statement that got me thinking:
“At that point, we were completely unschooling. She wakes up, and she decides what she wants to learn today.”
You see, this sounds, to me, not like unschooling at all by no means.
It sounds like a maybe very freestyle form of homeschooling, but still, a life where the children are supervised by the adults who ensure they learn.
True unschooling is a lifestyle where the whole idea of school has been removed from the equation, the idea of “you have to learn” and the idea of the curriculum. Both. Both need to go in order for it to be unschooling.
You see, learning is a byproduct of living.
Anything we do voluntarily has a challenge, and therefore we grow.
We learn.
If there were no challenges, it would not be fun.
There is no way a meaningful life will not leave us smarter every day.
The difference for the unschooled child is that the child is not expected to learn anything in particular, not even DO anything in particular. In our family, we all pursue our hobbies, do what we LIKE to do, and find meaningful.
This can be hard to see on the surface. On the surface, it all looks just like a weekend. But it is not. We don’t do weekends. We just live — every day.
Love and light
Cecilie Conrad
🇩🇰 Also available in Danish 🇩🇰
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