Camino Frances Day 16: Trusting the Process and Embracing the Journey | Day 267 of my 2023 Journal

Camino Frances. Day Sixteen.
We are closing in. It feels unbelievable. This is the second to last day. We keep walking, no problem, we keep talking, there is more to share, we keep learning, enjoying. Keep swearing if the incline is too much. We stop for coffee and salads and walk on.
Raincover on. Layer off. Keep moving.
In the morning, we left the wonderful Airbnb in Arzua, clouds rising from the fields and mountainsides while we parked the car, our hearts light yet somehow a bit melancholic. Will this truly end?
In the night, I had not slept much. There was too much going on on the inside, I think - plus a nap in the sun the day before took the edge off my exhaustion. So, I had time to think instead. It is this interesting thought flow happening in the darkness of the night, light and easy, more like a dreamscape of insights happening rather than analysis.
It was interesting, mainly about the epigenetics of lines flowing through me and into the future, and how I can handle not spilling over the bad stuff, letting it go by understanding and forgiving.
Lots of things happen throughout life, and it is all good. This camino has been a long walk of trusting the process, and after my nightly insights, my walk was easy and light. I had lovely conversations with my new bestie and our youngest son, and we arrived at a little pueblo in the afternoon, where we sat on a wall in the sunshine, drinking tea and having sandwiches and snacks.
Like all the other days, I'm too tired to do something productive other than embracing the Camino.
It is all good - as it should be.
We trust the process.
With love
Cecilie Conrad
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