Embracing Change: The Power of Letting Go and New Beginnings | Day 282 of my 2023 Journal

When a lot of stuff is happening!
So, I fell off my journaling wagon again. It was intense to have my beloved in-laws visiting while our life at the same time was getting ready for lift-off.
It is literal, as we are flying for the first time in a very long time and flying very far. But it is much more than that. I feel it after the Camino. Something happened with us, inside us; something mega changed.
We feel, Jesper and I, that we are breaking free from a future that is no longer ours, and it takes a lot of force to change the momentum. The momentum of old dreams, worn-out ideas, stuff we just have lying around, plans half done, half skipped, still with to-do lists in Trello, and some weird pull. Life is a Great Wheel turning, and to change direction takes effort.
Funny enough, it seems to me the effort does not come from me.
All I need to do is to lean into this new and unknown with courage and a non-stop focus - the change is coming from a Higher Call, something bigger than us. So, when I say it takes a lot of effort, I mean it takes staying in that high-energy vibration, staying in the trust, just doing things, never letting go. It is a bit like running to catch a bus; you know the driver has seen you, you know he can not stop before the next red light, you know you can run, but your lungs start to burn, but you want to catch that bus, and you run. And run.
Usually, we make it. And the truth of it all is there IS always another bus coming. Big change and Big Chance in life, in my experience, does not only give you one chance; it is a circle. It keeps coming back, calling us for our best options, the best life, where we can be and give and experience and love much much more than we could ever have imagined!
About the day (as I am running out of space here): We got the handshake of selling the bus, we donated all the stuff we did not pack to send back to Denmark, we took the grandparents out for real paella, we dipped in the healing spring water and had a light dinner and loving conversation in the sunset on the terrace. It was beautiful.
With love
Cecilie Conrad
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