The trampoline park and more new friends | Day 337 of my 2023 Journal


I went out for coffee at Starbucks, of all places, with Silke to get some work done (we needed to write a text) and to enjoy going out with my teen daughter.

It was a lovely morning after the game-changing party, convincing us we had finally found the place with the right vibe and the right people to stay longer when we did not feel like traveling.

It was a beautiful morning.

Later on, as we were studying Spanish, Silke and I, the wonderful network of mothers here, gave me a hint about a meetup that usually happens on Sundays, which led us to run to a Trampoline park to meet a family with teenagers. This is a thing we have done a hundred times before: Rushed to some meet-up for homeschoolers or travelers or teens, to sign back not feeling it, not connecting, not speaking the language, being the outsiders or … well, somehow not connecting.

This was the opposite. Except for the horrible light and ugly music in the Trampoline “park,” it was wonderful. We immediately liked the family, the kids connected beautifully, and we knew we had made new friends.

Riding a wave here, it seems San Miguel de Allende is trying to tell us something.

With love


Cecilie Conrad

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