Crossing The Mountains | Day 66 of my 2023 Journal

Crossing The Mountains

Crossing the Italian boot west to east was a humbling experience. I have said it before, but it is worth repeating. Mountains really are big.

We had the perfect lunch stop in a small village. Parked by the church with an amazing view of the mountains, we cooked, ate, and laughed. Then we went for a beautiful walk in the forest with lots of amazing views, including several waterfalls. My lovely husband took a shower in one of them; he simply could not resist it.

All afternoon we drove in the mountains. Up and up and up to the snow, and down again, down down down like Alice in the rabbit hole, on and on it went downwards as the sun set and the full moon rose.

Would all have been beautiful had we not ended up in a tourist and hostile area, where it took us several hours to find humble parking for the night. It is not always beautiful. Sometimes, it is somewhat too much. The ninety minutes of looking for parking was clearly too much.

But the pizza was good, the ocean was beautiful, and the sleep was amazing.

We just love our home in the van.

Love and light


Cecilie Conrad

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