Vegan and glutenfree | Day 229 of my 2023 Journal

Our style of eating does not make it easier to travel full-time. Honestly, I sometimes wish it would just be easier. If, at the very least, we could eat gluten, we could have tomato sandwiches and be happy. But we can not. Some of us are more not than others, but leave that for now. We are not eating it because it puts us completely off and because the suspicion it might create long-term damage is not worth the risk.
So I cook. I cook all the time. And I enjoy it. Most of the time.
At the Home Education Family Festival, we were lucky enough: The only food stall (I found, I think there might have been another one in a different corner) was vegan AND gluten-free, just exactly like us. And they had crepes! Yay. That is one of the hardest things to make, especially if you do not have a big crepe pan or crepe maker (I do not know the right word).

So, at the festival, we treated ourselves to pancakes and were very happy about it.
How lucky can you be?
In no way did I take the entire week off from cooking, as that would have blown my budget, but I did enjoy every pancake I got to buy for my family, and every meal and toast and whatever treat, as it is truly a rarity to find someone who cooks just like we do.
Love and light
Cecilie Conrad
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