

MOR International - Journaling December 2nd 2024


When I shop for food, I often grab a box in the veggies department instead of a basket. It's easy. When it is full, I am done. Yesterday, my husband pointed out this logo on a box sitting on my bed: MOR International.

All the Danes got it immediately, but for the rest of you, MOR means MOTHER in Danish.

So here we go. I can so relate. That is what I am now. MOR international. My mothering has changed as we have become nomadic. I feel deeply alive, I think I was allways a gypsie, a traveler, an…

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Is time really flying?

Time - 3

Walking back home through Krakow one last time, I contemplate the concept of time and whether it is flying. I carry a liter of laundry detergent from the organic shop as I walk in light rain with the teenagers. We have been in Krakow for a month; this is the last full day. Tomorrow, we will spend the day packing, and we will leave in the early afternoon.

This morning, we saw the Maria Cathedral on the main square for the second time; this time, we saw the opening of the altar, a most beautiful …

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