

The Fox and The Arch Angel - Journal December 20th, 2024

Sometimes, we have to stay very clear and keep the spirit very open when the Universe is talking, and there is a delay in the translation. This is a story of a recent spiritual experience and a sharing of how I function in a world of guidance, how it all works, and how I stay sane in a pretty crazy world.

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The Humble Way Forward - Journaling December 12th, 2024


When the difference between what you want the world to look like and how you perceive it is big enough, there will be pain. 

There is no way around it. 

I have learned that, and I am usually very good at not being too attached to a version of reality, just leaning into truth and love and what is: Receiving what the Big Mystery is throwing at me. 

But what if The Big Mystery is talking, and the perceived reality does not align? This is a new situation for me, a new question, a problem I …

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Saving the Crashing Days - Journaling December 6th, 2024


Sometimes, I feel dwarfed by life, humbled, overwhelmed, confused, run over. I can fly for a long time, lean into love, and trust the process, and then suddenly - as if out of nowhere, my inner peace seems like hit by a truck, my confidence smeared out over the pavement, and my anchor withered as if a thousand years of oxygen and salt had a go at it, but in an instant.

And then I get stuck. Where to begin? With the yoga or the laundry? With the writing or the reading? With the conversations or …

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MOR International - Journaling December 2nd 2024


When I shop for food, I often grab a box in the veggies department instead of a basket. It's easy. When it is full, I am done. Yesterday, my husband pointed out this logo on a box sitting on my bed: MOR International.

All the Danes got it immediately, but for the rest of you, MOR means MOTHER in Danish.

So here we go. I can so relate. That is what I am now. MOR international. My mothering has changed as we have become nomadic. I feel deeply alive, I think I was allways a gypsie, a traveler, an…

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Will it Ever be Enough?

When we arrived to the big house at Baja, we had to kick ourselves hard to remember how great this is - even when the temperatures are about 10 degrees Celcius colder than we aimed for, and the house is impossible to heat.

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