Is time really flying?
Walking back home through Krakow one last time, I contemplate the concept of time and whether it is flying. I carry a liter of laundry detergent from the organic shop as I walk in light rain with the teenagers. We have been in Krakow for a month; this is the last full day. Tomorrow, we will spend the day packing, and we will leave in the early afternoon.
This morning, we saw the Maria Cathedral on the main square for the second time; this time, we saw the opening of the altar, a most beautiful …
And they call it normal
How often do you want to be together for 7-8 hours straight in a small room with 28 persons who are born in the exact same year as you?
Taking the step from a career life to becoming a homeschool dad
5 years ago I missed my family – I felt detached, came home late from work, and felt cheated of my kid’s childhood. Are you ever tired of going to work? I know I was. I was tired of going to work – But actually not tired of my work.
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