
365 Challenge

Have no Fear | Day 341 of my 2023 Journal

I am not afraid. I am insecure about how to find my way in this context, how to find solid information in most here-and-now contexts, and how to balance this search with a no-fear strategy. As it happens, life itself seems to save me every time, leaving me with only fairly easy options, enough lovely people, and time to take it slow.


Mexican Mind Mystery | Day 340 of my 2023 Journal

The story goes (the one I know) that the Huichol people, who make this sort of art, took the peyote juice to enter a state of transcendence in order to be able to talk to the gods. And once back from what we would call an acid trip, they would share what they saw by making this kind of colorful art.


Destination Independencia | Day 328 of my 2023 Journal

Destination Independence is - I suppose - a tourist tour around the city, but I liked the sight of the bus to underline my core values. The sight of it made me happy, hence the title of this post. This is the destination: Independence. It is also the vehicle: Independence. Freedom. Freedom first.Ā